Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Watching The Big Game!

What's better than watching the big game? You've got your snacks in the fridge or you have them out on a table ready for snacking all day. The beer or beverage of your choice is on ice. (For the record I love beer on ice, in a cooler nothing better for game day.) You are set, you sit down ,you're all ready but something is missing. All these things are great for the game but they are just the small extras. The reason I love sports and the only reason is the Man and Woman I watched sports with growing up. My house growing up was the sports zone. My two older brothers played sports as well as myself. (I still don't know how my Mom and my Sister put up with four loud stinky men!) If we weren't at a sporting event we were watching them. I am fortunate to have had two parents that supported me and my siblings in everything we did. My Mother was at home with us kids making sure we were at all the events and school we needed to be. My Father worked the graveyard shift and I am sure that man never slept until he retired a couple of years ago. With three boys in sports and a girl in theater, I can only remember one wrestling match of mine that they missed.(My Mom and Sister walked in right when they were raising my hand for the win.) We all had the best equipment to use and never had to wonder if we would be able to play the next season. My Father coached and Mom was the Team Mom. That's just how it was in the Bloyer house growing up. It may have been sports that we were always around but it was God that put the love of our Family in all our hearts. Without that the Big Game is just a blank screen. I am now grown up (not really it just sounded good) and have a little girl of my own. As well as all my siblings married with kids (they all are like rabbits). My parents are not perfect and they will tell you that themselves. They have made mistakes with us and as kids we made our share of them as well. ( Some more than others!)  When it is all said and done it is about the gift of FAMILY and being able to share the big game with them. So as we get ready for the most wonderful time of the year, get together with the ones that matter most. As for me I am all ready to watch some football and baseball this fall season with those same crazy people I always do. And to Mom and Dad I raise my glass to the two of you for always putting your four loony kids ahead of anything else and loving us even when it wasn't easy. Till the next time raise your glass pick up the phone call the ones that matter the most and watch the big game!

1 comment:

  1. Caseman,
    This post was worth the wait. The long wait.
    Good job.
